We are a group of committed women who work together to help those in need in our community. We know that even in a community that is thriving, not everyone’s basic needs are being met. We work together to fill those gaps by providing needed volunteer support, funding, scholarships and donated items.

we build lifelong friendships while working side by side towards a common purpose
we serve the greater good while celebrating our community and tapping into the generosity of those around us
we address some of the biggest challenges facing our society through our service and fundraising
Our History
The Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club (WHJWC) was established in 1944 as a spin-off of the Wellesley Hills Women’s Club, aimed at attracting younger members with a schedule more conducive to working women and mothers of young children. The Club originally had a membership of 45 women and was focused on the social interests of its members. In the 1950s, the focus of the club expanded to include service projects.
WHJWC has served the community through such activities as aiding children during the polio epidemic of the 1950s, assisting veterans, working with the elderly, performing eye screenings for preschool children, organizing a story hour at the Newton-Wellesley Hospital’s Pediatric Wing, and creating a town-wide safety day. Community service has evolved to include assisting the Wellesley Food Pantry, supporting scholars in the A Better Chance program and students at the Walker School, volunteering at the Wellesley Council on Aging and the Elizabeth Seton Residence, helping families being serviced by Second Step and Family Promise Metrowest, and performing a puppet show focused on diversity and inclusion for kindergarteners in Wellesley’s elementary schools.
WHJWC is well known for dynamic fundraising events that celebrate our community and tap into the generosity of those around us. In 1968 the Wellesley Phone Book was first published, and became our most profitable fundraiser for many years. Marketplace, a popular craft fair, began in 1974 and has since gained national attention. In 1999, the Wellesley Kitchen Tour, now known as the Wellesley Kitchen and Home Tour, was launched as a spring event and is now the premiere home tour in New England. For years, Luminary Night gathered neighbors and friends together to celebrate the holiday season. The Wonder Run 5K and Kids Fun Run, held during Wellesley Wonderful Weekend, celebrates health and families.
WHJWC has a generous scholarship and grants programs that are possible because of the success of the club’s fundraiser events. We raise scholarship money for deserving high school students who need financial support to make college dreams possible. And WHJWC grants help fund programs that will have a positive impact on the community. Recently, the club has given away on average about $65,000 in scholarships and $72,000 in grants every year.
On WHJWC’s 75th anniversary, the club gave two of the largest grants in its history. A $25,000 grant was given to help build a new softball field in town to create an equitable playing space for female athletes. And a $15,000 grant was given to help buy the A Better Chance female scholarships a new residence.
Club Leadership
The executive board of the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club. To reach any board member, please email info@whjwc.org.
- President: Danielle Owens
- VP of Charitable Givings: Laura Smith
- VP of Community Outreach: Melissa Lacey
- VP of Membership: Molly Bechtel
- VP of Fundraising: Carolyn Price
- VP of Marketing: Jill Hegstad
- VP of Technology: Kinsey Kornack
- VP of Finance: Morgan Sanford
- AVP of Charitable Giving: Jen Lord
- AVP of Community Outreach: Carrie Powers
- AVP of Finance: Veronica Davis
- AVP of Fundraising, Jacqueline Cafero
- AVP of Marketing: Katie Wright
- AVP of Membership: Maya Arnout
- AVP of Technology: Jackie Barnhart
- Recording Secretary: Ellen Haas
- Second Year Rep: Diana Kulkami
- First Year Rep: TBD
- Board Advisor: Kristin Shanks