Joining WHJWC
We tap into the diverse backgrounds, talents and life experiences of our members to fulfill our mission. Members typically join when they are ready to deepen their roots in Wellesley and give back to the community in the company of other dedicated women. We meet regularly to share information on upcoming projects and review results. This allows us all to understand the impact of our combined efforts, meet up with old friends and make new, lifelong ones.
Members commit to serve five years, which allows them the chance to work on a variety of projects and to gain the experience needed to take on leadership roles. Juniors leave more informed about the challenges facing our community and they use that experience to make a difference long after their five years as members. Once a member has graduated, they are eligible to become a sustainer, a network of women who proudly served their community and continue to support the efforts of the WHJWC.

Membership Requirements
Members are asked to attend monthly general meetings September through June. They also serve on committees that support the service project and fundraising event of their choice, although all members are expected to work WHJWC fundraising events – Wellesley Marketplace, Wellesley Kitchen and Home Tour, and the WonderRun 5K and Kids Fun Run. There are several social events throughout the year, all of which are optional. There are annual dues, although a scholarship can be arranged for anyone in need.
Typically, prospective members attend a general meeting to get a sense of the club and also a new member coffee in late spring to meet other prospective members. They would also have a current member serve as a sponsor to guide them through the process. If you would like to attend a meeting or have questions about finding a sponsor, please contact
We are no longer taking membership applications for the upcoming year. We thank you all for your interest in the club. Please return in the late Fall for apply for 2025/2026.